Ní hiad na fir mhóra a bhaineas an fomhar i gcónaí
It is not the great men that always reap the harvest.
Note: Strength is not everything. Even though the bards sing about the exploits of great men, like Fionn and the Fianna, the warrior class of ancient Irish society would not have existed without the farmer. It is the farmer, who reaps the harvest. It is the farmer who was the foundation of the ancient Irish political unit, the tuath. While the tuath was dominated by the neimhidh, the privileged people, i.e., warriors, artisans, bards, priests, etc. it was the farmers who had the greatest numbers. It was the farmer who counted most. This proverb recognizes their unheralded greatness.
Note: This popular proverb has been encapsulated in the English expression, “At the end of the day, …” Do not be hasty to praise or even comment on an event, a life, or a period of time while it is in progress. It could change later and make you wrong.
Mol an latha math mu oidhche. — Scots Gaelic
Moyle y laa mie fastyr (mu fheasgar). — Manx
Ruse the fair day at night. — Scots
Praise day and night, and life at the end. — English
La vita il fine e ‘l dì loda la sera — Italian
Schönen Tag soll man loben, wenn es Nacht ist. — German
Perhaps, Alexander Pope said it best. “Some praise at morning what they blame at night, But always think the last opinion right.” An Essay on Criticism. 1711.
Note: There are a number of English versions of this proverb.
What the eye sees not, the heart craves not.
What the eye does not see, the heart does not grieve over.
Ignorance is bliss.
Out of sight, out of mind.
Many languages also have a version or two of this proverb.
Celtic Languages:
I bhfad as amharc, i gcian as intinn. Irish (Out of sight, out of mind.) Béarlachas?
An rud ná cloieseann an chluas ní chuireann sé buairt ar an gcroí. Irish (What the ear does not hear does not worry the heart.)
An té a bhíos amuigh fuaraíonn a chuid. Irish (Whoever is often out, his part grows cold.)
Fada bhon t-sùil, fada bhon chride. Scots Gaelic (Far from the eye, far from the heart.)
As an t-sealladh, às a chuimhne. Scots Gaelic (Out of sight, out of mind.)
Ass shiley, ass smooinagtyn. Manx (Out of sight, out of mind.)
Allan o olwg, allan o feddwl. Welch (Out of sight, out of mind.)
Germanic Languages:
Was ich nicht weiss macht mich nicht heiss. German (What I don’t know does not make me hot.)
Aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn. German (Out of sight, out of mind.)
Langt fra Öine, snart af Sinde. Danish (Out of sight, out of mind.)
Uit het oog, uit het hart. Dutch (Out of sight, out of mind.)
Romance Languages:
Loin des yeux, loin de coeur. French (Out of sight, out of mind.)
Qui procul ab oculis, procul a limite cordis. Latin (Out of sight, out of mind.)
We may never know in which language this proverb originated, but we must admit that the Irish version above is original. Using the verb, seachain (meaning avoid, evade, or shun), suggests that the eye is pulled to things it can see and is pushed from things it can not see. It is a bit more mystical than the expression, “Out of sight, out of mind.”
Note: “Doubts are more cruel that the worst of truths.” Jean Baptiste Poquelin Moliére, Le Misanthrope, Act III, Scene vii. Doubts can cripple you. They can freeze you into inaction. Falling into doubt can be like falling into a deep hole; it is hard to get out.
Attempt the end, and never stand to doubt; Nothing’s so hard but search won’t find out. Robert Herrick, Heperides
Or in the words of copy writer for a more modern sneaker manufacturer, “Just do it.”
Note also: Proverbs are like fossils. They tend to preserve old forms. This week’s proverb is no exception with the spelling of the word “doimhin.” This was the most common spelling for the Irish word for ‘deep,’ before the official standard spelling was introduced in the 1940’s. The official spelling is ‘domhain.’ However, the official spelling for the genitive form is the more retrograde ‘doimhne.’
Note: A familiar English language equivalent would be “The clothes make the man”. Of course, since this seanfhocal originated at a time when the clothing was all made by women, this is also a subtle way of saying that a man is only as good as the women in his life.