2023 Seisiún staidéir na Gaeilge, Kingston NY

Fáilte (Welcome) Forums Announcements 2023 Seisiún staidéir na Gaeilge, Kingston NY

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  • #49958

    Tá mé cúpla focal agam, so please excuse the Bearla…
    For anyone residing in the Kingston, NY area, or who finds themselves in the area on a Saturday afternoon, I am organizing casual study sessions every other Saturday at Rough Draft Bar & Books, 82 John Street, Kingston. NY between 2pm and 4pm. These are casual meet ups with no set agendas or activities – those depend on the interests and expertise of the participants present on any given Saturday. The only stipulation is that activities focus on na Gaeilge.

    The next few upcoming dates are:
    March 4
    March 18
    April 1
    April 29


    More upcoming dates for the study sessions are listed in the Gael Goer app, available for download from the Apple and Google Play stores.

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