I have just released an Android App that I though might be of interest to readers of this forum. The app fully conjugates over 150 commonly used Irish verbs (and a few not so common). It is available on on Google Play through this link: [url=http://bit.ly/1gPrnoP]Briathra on Google Play[/url].
I will be adding more verbs in the near future. I am trying to do my best to ensure that I get every one correct so it takes a little bit of time.
I am hoping to have an iPhone version out in the next few weeks. I actually submitted a version a couple of weeks ago, but it was rejected by Apple as being too simple. I tried to appeal to them that they were underestimating the value of the information contained in the app, but to no avail. I am going to add some bells and whistles and see if it will be accepted then. It’s all rather frustrating.