Our Plans for 2021
(Plean na Bliana 2021)
Unfortunately, because of the covid pandemic, Daltaí na Gaeilge will not be able to present our customary Immersion Weekend in Esopus this February. And, sorry to say, but the story is the same for our Fluent Speakers’ Weekend on Long Beach Island.
But we are very happy to announce that our annual Teachers’ Workshop (Ceardlann na Múinteoirí) will go ahead via Zoom.
At the moment, we are also considering our Immersion Weekend which is planned for Marist this coming May. We are very hopeful that we will be able to proceed with that program, but we will have to wait and see how the situation develops. After that, we plan to return to our usual schedule of programs, God willing. That is to say – Satharn na nGael in Philadelphia, the Irish Immersion Week in Esopus and our November Immersion Weekend in Pennsylvania.
In the message that follows you will find the details for the 2021 Teachers’ Workshop.
Le gach dea-ghuí i gcomhair na hathbhliana,
Daltaí na Gaeilge