I know that Aonghus has been posting about An Bíobla Naofa since at least 2005, but I just discovered it myself and thought it was worth pointing out as a useful resource for learning Irish. At one time it was only available for purchase in either book or CD format (and still is at Litriocht.com), but it has also been made freely available by the publishers and can be viewed on PCs in free Bible-viewing software from e-Sword. Within that software it is possible to have the Irish and the King James English versions side-by-side. The full content of both versions are searchable. The e-Sword software interface can be switched from English to Gaeilge.
For more information about downloading the combination of An Bíobla Naofa and the e-Sword software, go to http://www.anbioblanaofa.org/en/e-sword. An Bíobla Naofa is also available from this site in PDF format as well as a version that works with software running on smart phones that support Java.