Translation request

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    Hey everybody, I’m new to this site and I’m hoping some of you can help me out, I’ve been looking everywhere to no avail, so I’m hoping to find some answers here. I’ve been trying to find a translation for two lines of text. The first is “silence is sweet” BUT I’m not looking for the traditional translation of the proverb “a silent mouth is sweet.” I just want “silence is sweet. And for the second line, I’m looking for a translation for “trust no soul”. If anyone can help me out it would be greatly appreciated.

    Héilics Órbhuí

    “Is binn an tost”, or “bíonn an tost binn”, I think would both be acceptable. There is a slight difference in meaning. The first means that silence is inherently sweet, the second one suggests a habitual thing – that silence is sweet every time it happens.

    The second one is going to be more problematic and highly variable. The word “soul” doesn’t translate well here, as the meaning of “living thing” doesn’t really apply in Irish. “Ná cuir do mhuinín i nduine ar bith” = don’t trust anyone, alternatively “ná biodh muinín agat as duine ar bith” is another of the many ways of saying this.

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