Ulster Irish Question

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  • #36337

    According to “Gaeilge Theilinn”, page 126 § 357, the last syllable of 2nd conj. verbs that form their verbal nouns with -ó(dh), e.g. éalódh, iompódh, fastódh etc., is pronounced /É™i/, (spelt by the author -oigh: éaloigh, fastoigh etc.).

    How widespread is this in Ulster Irish?

    (The author mentions that schoolchildren tend to no longer distinguish them from other 2nd conj. verbs, pronouncing the termination /i:/, so perhaps the question should be how widespread was it?)


    Normally the -ò of the verbal nouns of these verbs is pronounced /-a:/, and the end of the “root form” should be spelt with -òigh and is pronounced as Wagner said or /-aj/.
    How widespread it is? What I can say is that it exists in Teileann and in Rann na Feirste and in Gaoth Dobhair. I wouldn’t be surprised if it were so in whole Ulster…


    That’s very interesting, thanks for the response.
    I’m glad to hear it hasn’t died out.

    Yes, the root probably would be better spelt with o – to indicate both the Ulster pronunciation and those verbs which generally (I’m aware there is dialect variation) form their verbal noun with -ó(dh).
    (Perhaps ⟨éaloigh⟩ > ⟨éalogh⟩ ? – simple broadening of the final consonant)


    Yes but don’t forget to use the sìneadh fada, because if it were “èaloigh” it would be pronounced /e:loj/ and if it were èalodh it would be pronounced /e:lo/, while it is èalòigh /e:laj/ and èalò(dh) /e:la/, so it should be spelt with ò (unstressed ò is pronounced /a/ in Ulster, normally).

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