What drags on grows cold.

Note: Get the job done. Buail an iarann te. Do not get distracted and let the effort linger. Do not procrastinate. As the Scots say, “An rud anns a thèid dàil , thèid dearmad.” (Delay brings neglect.) As the romans said, “Periculum in mora.” (Delays breed dangers.) So don’t delay. Start to learn Irish today. If you did, then you would know that this proverb literally means, “The thing that comes in long (duration), it comes in(to) coldness.”

Note also: This week’s proverb has two eclipsed words, “bhfad” and “bhfuaire.” Both are caused by the preposition “i,” which, of course, means “in.” This is the only preposition in Irish that always requires eclipsis of the following noun. There are some other prepositions, especially “ar,” that only require eclipsis in common set phrases, e.g., ar dtús, ar ndóigh, go bhfios dom, …, ar gcúl.