Cnuasaithe ag Donncha ÓBroin; An Dámhscoil Nua
(Compiled by Donncha ÓBroin; The New Bardic School)

N | O | P | R


Chomh neamhnaofa le doras tigh ósta i nGaillimh As unholy as the door of a hostelry in Galway
(of a place)

neamhnaofa=unholy, tigh ósta=hotel/hostelry, Gaillimh=Galway
Chomh neamhurchóideach leis an leanbh As harmless as a child
neamhurchóideach=harmless, leanbh=child
Chomh nimhneach le heasóg As spiteful/touchy as a weasel
(of a place)

nimhneach=spiteful/touchy/”sore”, easóg=weasel

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Chomh hólta le píobaire As drunk as a piper
ólta=drunk, píobaire=piper
Chomh hóltach le bean a’ leanna As drunk as a publican (female)
óltach=drunk, bean=woman, leann=porter

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Chomh pioctha le sagart As neat/spruce as a priest
pioctha=neat/spruce, sagart=priest
Chomh pollta le criathar As perforated as a sieve
poll=hole, pollta=perforated, criathar=sieve
Chomh postúil le cat siopa As pompous as a shop cat
postúil=pompous, cat=cat, siopa=shop
Chomh preabúil le gaiscíoch As lively/dashing as a warrior
preabúil=lively/dashing, gaiscíoch=warrior

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Chomh raidhseach le cuileoga As plentiful as flies
raidhseach=plentiful, cuileoga=flies
Chomh ramhar le rón As fat as a seal
ramhar=fat, rón=seal
Chomh ramhar le mart As fat as an ox
ramhar=fat, mart=ox
Chomh ramhar sa réasún le muc As fat in reasoning as a pig (i.e., As stupid as a pig)
ramhar=fat, réasún=reasoning, muc=pig
Chomh righin le gad As stiff as a willow rod
(Can be used to describe food: Bhí an sean turcaí sin chomh righin le gad. = That old turkey was as tough as an old boot.)
righin=tough/stiff, gad=rod/rope/tie
Chomh righin leis an táthfhéithleann As stiff as a woodbine
righin=tough/stiff, táthfhéithleann=woodbine/honeysuckle
Chomh ríméadach le cat a mbeadh póca air. As overjoyed/jubilant as a cat who had a pocket
ríméadach=overjoyed, cat=cat, póca=pocket
Chomh ríméadach leis na cuacha As overjoyed/jubilant as the cuckoos
ríméadach=overjoyed, cuach=cuckoo
Chomh rite le bogha fidile As taut as a fiddle bow
rite=taut, bogha=bow, fidil=fiddle
Chomh rite le tarbh a mbeifí á thachtadh As distended as a bull that was being strangled
(said of distended eyes)

rite=distended (the idiomatic use of the verb “rith”, run; indicates that all slack has run out and consequently that whatever is referred to is tight, distended, at maximum extension), tarbh=bull, tachtadh=choking/strangling
Chomh rógaireach le mada rua As mischievious as a fox
rógaireach=mischievious, mada rua=fox

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