“go halpach”

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  • #36380
    Séril Báicéir

    Cad is brí le “go halpach”? I’m reading “An phluais ama” and this adverbial phrase keeps popping up, and the definition of it that is given is “Alpine” and that doesn’t make much sense. I figure it is probably a localized phrase/meaning.

    Go raibh maith agaibh, in advance!


    Check your dictionary: “(go h)alpach” = voracious(ly)/greedy(ily)
    Verb: alp/alpaigh = devour,bolt (food)

    Séril Báicéir

    Go raibh maith agat, a Hugo! I thought it might mean something like that based on the context, but couldn’t find it in the online dictionary and didn’t have my paperback one on me.

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