Deireadh Seachtaine Jamison PA (Samhain 2012)
Despite Hurricane Sandy Daltaí was back in Jamison PA for our annual Immersion Weekend. While many of us had to deal with cleaning up after the Hurricane and still no power, we still came out to polish our Gaeilge skills.
Deirdre was happy to help all the beginners by giving a crash phrase course. It’s always a big plus to be able to say hello, thanks, and HELP!
Even Darth Vader came out to practice his Gaeilge. How do you say “Luke, I am your father!”?
Isn’t that Liam Ó Cuinneagáin? That man gets everywhere. Liam has been a great friend of Daltaí over the years. Have you been to Oideas Gael yet? Two things you have to do when studying Gaeilge, go to a Daltaí na Gaeilge weekend and take a week course in Oideas Gael.
Siobhán Gallivan shared her recent visit to Ireland with us. Siobhán was awarded the Teacher’s Scholarship with a week of studying at Oideas Gael. Remember what a great friend and supporter Liam is of Daltaí? Well, thanks Liam.
What would a Weekend be without some poetry from Lúcas? Cathail Ó Sharkey would be delighted with his rendition.
During the Weekend the fluent speakers all get together for the one-on-one sessions. It’s a very important part of the Weekend because it gives the beginners and intermediates a chance to ask those questions that they sometimes find hard to put together in class. Rath is always happy to help.
As usual there is always a Gaeilgeoir on hand to give us a great lecture. This weekend was no exception. Thanks to Máire Nic an Bhaird.
Liam, make your mind up as to what class you want. I know, we all want to be in Lucas’ class.
“Eurovision Song Contest 2013” tá muid ar an mbealach!
Eurovision Song Contest 2013 here we come!
Tom Cahill delighted us with his flute skills.
Not again Liam! One more move and I’m going to report you to Eileen Zurell.
Our Costume Céilí runners up. Great job.
The grand prize winner – Cruella Deville. Congratulations Danny.
This guy has to get an honorary mention. Any idea who it is?
This guy wanted to be in the action but Liam said no. No costume, no entry!