Cnuasaithe ag Donncha ÓBroin; An Dámhscoil Nua (Compiled by Donncha ÓBroin; The New Bardic School)

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Chomh lag le cearc As weak as a hen/chicken
lag=weak, cearc=hen/chicken
Chomh lag le héan gé Lit., as weak as a gosling
(Said after severe illness)

éan=young bird of any species/bird, gé=goose
Chomh lag le héan i mbarrach As weak as an ailing chick
(Lit., as weak as a bird (chick) in tow (of flax, hemp))

éan=bird, barrach=tow
Chomh lag le heilit i mbarrach As weak as a hind in a thicket (i.e., trapped)
(Irish Bible)

eilit=doe/hind, barrach=thicket
Chomh lag le long ar chuan gan tonn As weak as a ship on a harbour without a wave
lag=weak, long=ship, cuan=harbour, tonn=wave
Chomh lag le piscín As weak as a kitten
(Referring to physical strength)

lag=weak, piscín=kitten
Chomh lag leis an uisce As weak as water
(Said of a drink, etc.)

lag=weak, uisce=water
Chomh láidir le capall As strong as a horse
láidir=strong, capall=horse
Chomh láidir le gearrán As strong as a horse
láidir=strong, gearrán=literally a gelding, but in the North often meaning a horse
Chomh láidir le Goll mac Mórna As strong as Goll mac Mórna
(character from tales of the Fianna)
Chomh láidir le tarbh As strong as a bull
láidir=strong, tarbh=bull
Chomh láidir leis na daracha As strong as the oaks
(Irish Bible)

láidir=strong, dair=oak, daracha=oaks (plural)
Chomh lán le mála píbe As full as a pipebag
lán=full, mála=bag, píb=pipe
Chomh lán le hubh As full as an egg
lán=full, ubh=egg
Chomh lán leis an bhfarraige As full as the sea
lán=full, farraige=sea
Chomh leamh le uisce portaigh As insipid as bog water
leamh=insipid/lifeless, uisce=water, portach=bog
Chomh leathan leis an bhfarraige As broad as the sea
(Irish Bible)

leathan=broad/wide, farraige=sea
Chomh leisciúil le hasal As lazy as an ass
leisciúil=lazy, asal=ass
Chomh leisciúil le cú As lazy as a hound
leisciúil=lazy, cú=hound
Chomh leisciúil leis an nGiolla Deacair As lazy as the Giolla Deacair
(character from folklore)

Chomh leitheadach leis na cuacha As widespread as the cuckoo
leitheadach=widespread, cuacha (plural of cuach)=cuckoo
Chomh leochaileach leis an éan turcaí As frail/tender/fragile as a young turkey
leochaileach=frail/fragile, éan=bird (young of bird), turcaí=turkey
Chomh liath le broc As grey as a badger
liath=grey, broc=badger
Chomh líonmhar le gaineamh na trá As numerous as the sands of the beach
(Irish Bible)

líonmhar=numerous, gaineamh=sand
Chomh líonmhar le réaltaí neimhe As numerous as the stars of Heaven
(Irish Bible)

líonmhar=numerous, réaltaí=stars
Chomh líonmhar leis na corrmhíola As numerous as the midges
líonmhar=numerous, corrmhíola= midges
Chomh lom le croí do bhoise As bare as the palm of your hand
lom=bare, croí=heart, bos=palm of hand
Chomh lom le croí mo bhoise As bare as the middle of my palm
lom= bare/thin, croí=heart/center, bos=palm
Chomh lom le gé bhearrtha As bare as a plucked goose
lom=bare, gé=goose, bearrtha=plucked/shaved
Chomh lom leis an uisce As dilute as water
lom=thin/bare, uisce=water
Chomh luachmhar le hór As valuable as gold
luachmhar=valuable, ór=gold
Chomh luaineach le dreancaid As jumpy as a flea
luaineach=jumpy, dreancaid=flea
Chomh luath le cú As fast as a hound
luath=fast, cú=hound
Chomh luath le giorria As fast as a hare
luath=fast, giorria=hare
Chomh luath le hintinn mná idir beirt fhear As fast as a woman’s mind between two men
luath=fast, intinn=mind, mná=genitive of “bean” (woman), beirt=two people, fear=man

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Chomh macánta leis an sagart As honest as the priest
macánta=honest, sagart=priest
Chomh maisithe le pictiúr As pretty as a picture
maisithe=decorated/pretty, pictiúr=picture
Chomh maith le duine As good as a person (i.e., as good as the next)
maith=good, duine=person
Chomh maith lena fhocal As good as his word
maith=good, focal=word
Chomh mall le seilide As slow as a snail
mall=slow, seilide=snail
Chomh maol le hubh As bald as an egg
maol=bald, ubh=egg
Chomh marbh le hart As dead as a stone
marbh=dead, art=stone
Chomh marbh le scadán As dead as a herring
marbh=dead, scadán=herring
Chomh meabhrach breabhsach le seabhac aille As deep-thinking and sprightly as a cliff-hawk
breabhsach=sprightly (especially in old age), seabhac=hawk, aill=cliff
Chomh mear le míol Márta As quick as a March Louse
mear=quick, míol=louse/bug/creature, Márta=month of March
Chomh meidhreach le dreoilín teaspaigh As cheerful as a grasshopper
meidhreach=cheerful, dreoilín teaspaigh=grasshopper
Chomh meidhreach le héan As cheerful as a bird
meidhreach=cheerful, éan=bird
Chomh meidhreach le héan binne As cheerful as a mountain bird
meidhreach=cheerful, éan=bird, binn=mountain peak/gable of house
Chomh meidhreach le meannán míosa As cheerful as a month-old kid (animal)
meidhreach=cheerful, meannán=kid (animal), míosa=genitive of “mí” (month)
Chomh milis le mil As sweet as honey
milis=sweet, mil=honey
Chomh mín le cat As meek as a cat
mín=meek (i.e., smooth of manner), cat=cat
Chomh mín le gloine As smooth as glass
(Said of clothes after ironing)

mín=smooth, gloine=glass
Chomh mín le plúr As fine as flour
mín=small, fine plúr=flour
Chomh mín le síoda As fine/smooth as silk
mín=smooth, síoda=silk
Chomh mín le smúit na talún As fine as the dust of the earth
mín=smooth, smúit=dust, talún=genitive of “talamh” (land/earth)
Chomh mín le snaois As fine as snuff
mín=small/fine, snaois=snuff
Chomh mín macánta leis an uan As placid and as honest as a lamb
(Said of a person’s temperment)

mín=smooth/placid, macánta=honest (i.e., not devious), uan=lamb
Chomh mínáireach le muc As shameless as a pig
mínáireach=shameless, muc=pig
Chomh minic is atá méara ar do lámh As often as there is fingers on your hand
minic=often, méara=fingers, lámh=hand
Chomh místiúrtha le bean As unmanagable as a woman
místiúrtha=unmanagable, bean=woman
Chomh mómhar le luchóg faoi chois an chait As mannerly as a mouse under the cat’s paw
mómhar=mannerly/graceful, cos an chait=cat’s foot
Chomh mór le chéile agus a bhíonn bó le coca féir As “thick” or “close” as a cow and a haycock
mór le chéile=great/close/thick, coca féir=haycock
Chomh mór le teach As big as a house
mór=big, teach=house
Chomh mór le trosc a chaithfí isteach i mbád As big/wide as a cod that would be thrown into a boat
(Said of mouth, as in “D’oscail sí a clab chomh mór le trosc a chaithfí isteach i mbád.)

mór=big, trosc=cod, caithfí=conditional form of “caith” (as one would throw)

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