The one who opens his mouth the most, ’tis he who opens his purse the least.

Note: This week’s proverb probably came from the Scots, “Am fear nach fhosgail a sporan, fosglaidh e bheul.” — Gaeilge na hAlban. (The man who won’t open his purse will open his mouth.) Some say the Scots are renown for their frugality. This is evident in a similar Scots proverb, “Am fear air am bi beul, bidh sporan.” (He that has a mouth will also have a purse.)

An American might express this idea using the common, if rude, expression, “Put up or shut up!” Another Scots proverb practically makes this sentiment an obligation, “Cha déan fear an sporain fhalaimh ach beag faraim san taigh-òsda.” (The man of empty purse will make but little noise in the inn.)

Note also: The speaker does not pronounce the relative particle, “a,” that appears before each instance of the verb “osclaíonn.” The particle is usually pronounced as a neutral vowel, what linquists call a “schwa.” It is, perhaps, the most common phoneme in Irish. However, when it appears before another word that begins with a vowel, it usually drops out.