Medieval Irish – glosses from a mansucript needs translating

Fáilte (Welcome) Forums General Discussion (Irish and English) Medieval Irish – glosses from a mansucript needs translating

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    A chairde,

    Below is my translation from a gloss, or note, in a 16th century manuscript. The final word is unknown to me, and I am unsure of my translation. I would be grateful if someone could please run an eye over it and make suggestions.
    Any ideas? 

    Slán is beannacht leat,

    Dar lium is inscribhtha cach ni da cluinim & co hairghthi Ua Briain do tabhairt luach marg to timpan d’O Chundmhaigh & olcas a dil air. Aoine ria cingtigis anoacht agus a Cathair Meic Neachtain dam a fochair ceile na mbred.

    [I think it is worth writing everything I hear and particularly O’Brien giving a tiompan/msall harp valued at twenty marks to O Chund[h]mhaigh, and little he deserves it. Tonight is Friday before Pentecost and (I am) at Cahermacnaughten in a company together (with) fellows of …?]


    Anyone want to give it a go?

    Dar lium is inscribhtha cach ni da cluinim & co hairghthi Ua Briain do tabhairt luach marg to timpan d’O Chundmhaigh & olcas a dil air. Aoine ria cingtigis anoacht agus a Cathair Meic Neachtain dam a fochair ceile na mbred.

    [I think it is worth writing everything I hear and particularly O’Brien giving a tiompan/msall harp valued at twenty marks to O Chund[h]mhaigh, and little he deserves it. Tonight is Friday before Pentecost and (I am) at Cahermacnaughten in a company together (with) fellows of …?]


    My guess would be something like ‘bred’ = ‘bréid’ frieze, cloth. Monks in rough homespun robes perhaps?
    Or, ‘bred’ (‘bredh’ < 'breth') = 'judgement'. A group of legal experts/brehons? I haven’t a clue other than that 🙂


    A Mhurchadh, a chara,

    go mile maith agat as do riomh-post!

    slan is beannacht leat.

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